Roster for:

Boy Sean Thompson

Location: Los Angeles, CA United States of America 90057
Google Maps: Google Maps
Age: 30
Size: 5'8" 175
Position: Versatile bottom
Beard: Goatee & Long Sideburns
Hair: Medium Short Brown, Sometimes shaved
Body Hair: Mostly smooth, Can shave if you like
Tattoos and Piercings: PA, ears, would like more body piercings

I smoke. I smoke during sex. 2 a day

Favorite Cigar Phillies, Dutch Masters, and more
Favorite Pipe Tobacco Would like to start
I typically wear: Jeans and Tee Shirts
Slacks and Shirt
I'm: Gay
I'm looking for: Sex
E-mail Buddies
My Code: C++ P+ c 2f-w-c++g++k++ S++e+h+
Looking for love in: Los Angeles/Torrance, CA
His age: 40-80
Looking for: White or African American, Bald, Mustache & sideburns (or any facial hair) Hairy chest, belly, back, ass or completly shaved smooth, Circumcised dicks a+ (I'm circumcised), Jewish Daddy bears, Bareback sex, WS, Rauchy men. Of course these are all just plusses, not deciding factors.
Looking for(health): Generally Healthy
Instant Messages

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