Roster for:

Mr. Rob Colton

AKA: IRC cgrrboy
Location: Toronto Canada
Google Maps: Google Maps
Age: 33
Size: 5-10 165
Position: vers
Beard: moustache and goatee
Hair: short buzzed, brown
Body Hair: hairy chest, legs
Tattoos and Piercings: pierced ear, nip

I smoke. I smoke during sex. 3 a day

cigarettes... I smoke. I smoke during sex. half pack a day
I typically wear: Jeans and Tee Shirts
I'm: Gay
I'm looking for: Sex
S and M
Cyber Sex
E-mail Buddies
My links:
My Code: C+++
Looking for love in: Southern Ontario
His age: 25+
Looking for: Like masculine cigar smokin guys especially with facial hair, hairy chests. Mild to wild - leather, uniform, raunch, piss.
Looking for(health): Generally Healthy
Instant Messages

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