
Roster for:

Mr. Ohio CigarGuy

Location: Columbus, OH United States of America
Google Maps: Google Maps
Age: 34
Size: 6'3" Muscular 240
Position: Top
Beard: Red/Brown
Hair: Brown
Body Hair: Red/Brown
Tattoos and Piercings: Will be getting a shoulder tattoo in the next couple of weeks; reviewing designs now... Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I smoke. I smoke during sex.

Favorite Cigar Larger Ring Maduros... Enjoy LGC, Hoyo, Punch, CAO
I typically wear: Jeans and Tee Shirts
I'm: Gay
I'm looking for: Friends
My links:
My Code: C+++, P++
Looking for: Muscular and masculine regular guy looking to meet other cigar men into lifting weights and bodybuilding. Happily partnered here so not looking to fuck around, just cigar buds. Occasionally will cam, so if you are built and into cigars give me a shout...
Looking for(health): Generally Healthy
Instant Messages

AIM: Message
Yahoo: Message