Roster for:

Cigar Smoker Matt

Location: Las Vegas United States of America 89139
Google Maps: Google Maps
Age: 36
Size: 6'1" 200
Position: TOP
Beard: None
Hair: Short
Body Hair: Shaved/trimmed chest
Tattoos and Piercings: Ears pierced, left bicep tattoo

I smoke. I smoke during sex. 2 a day

I typically wear: Jeans and Tee Shirts
I'm: Gay
I'm looking for: Sex
S and M
My links:
My Code: CS code: C++, p-- c------
Looking for love in: Nevada, California, Arizona
His age: ->30ish
Looking for: Looking for young in shape fit boys who are either cigar smokers them selves or who likes to get fucked or service a cigar smoker! I live alone and can host if you visit Las Vegas.
Looking for(health): HIV Negative
Instant Messages

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