
Roster for:

Cowboy Russell Hedgecock

Location: 109 s. behrend Farmington, NM United States of America 87401
Google Maps: Google Maps
Age: 39
Size: 6'0" 190
Position: top
Beard: horshoe mustache
Hair: crewcut, brwn
Body Hair: moderate

I smoke. I smoke during sex. 1 a day

Favorite Cigar too many to list
cigarettes... I smoke during sex. pack a day
Favorite cigarette brand Marlboro Reds
I typically wear: Jeans and Tee Shirts
I'm: Gay
I'm looking for: E-mail Buddies
My links:
My Code: C++c++
His age: 30-50
Looking for: like big hairy, real men... Cigars, lthr, w/s, definately a +..no bullshit...
Looking for(health): Generally Healthy