Roster for:

Mr. marty sawyer

AKA: cigarboybleu, gacigarboy, blondecigarguy
Location: rt 4 box 108P Cochran United States of America 31014
Google Maps: Google Maps
Age: 36
Size: 6;4 230
Position: up for debate
Beard: goatee
Hair: blonde
Body Hair: light fur
Tattoos and Piercings: 3-both arms and top of back

I smoke. 2 a day

Favorite Cigar excalibur 1066 maduro
cigarettes... I smoke during sex.
I typically wear: Jeans and Tee Shirts
I'm: Gay
I'm looking for: Sex
My links:
Looking for love in: other cigar guys in georgia would be nice,musclebears, and visitors to ga.. grrrr
His age: 24-43
Looking for: the age range is also up for debate. I like young smooth guys, big hairy muscle guys, shaved goateed guys, and bodybuilders...yee haw...
Looking for(health): HIV Negative
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