Roster for:

Mr. Derek Redman

Location: 2445 Yates Ave Bronx United States of America 10469
Google Maps: Google Maps
Age: 24
Size: 170 5'7"
Position: Top
Beard: unshaven
Hair: Black
Body Hair: some hair
Tattoos and Piercings: Several of each

I smoke. 2 a day

Favorite Cigar Romeo Y Julieta
cigarettes... I smoke.
Favorite cigarette brand Newports or Marlboro Reds
I typically wear: Jeans and Tee Shirts
Slacks and Shirt
I'm: Bisexual
I'm looking for: Sex
My links:
Looking for love in: New York City
His age: 18-45
Looking for: Handsome, muscular, tattooed, smoker
Looking for(health): HIV Negative