Roster for:

Mr. Baldbear

Location: Truck stop near you United States of America
Google Maps: Google Maps
Age: 42
Size: 5'8 243
Position: versatile
Beard: stache
Hair: shaved
Body Hair: light
Tattoos and Piercings: 8ga PA, 12 ga both nips

I smoke. I smoke during sex. 3 a day

Favorite Cigar Excals and Lancelot 1066s, Roya Slautes, Punch Chateau L double maduros
Pipes... I smoke during sex. 8 a day
Favorite Pipe Tobacco Chateau
I typically wear: Jeans and Tee Shirts
I'm: Gay
I'm looking for: Sex
Cyber Sex
E-mail Buddies
My links:
My Code: C++P++c--B1ftw++d+g+k+hr
Looking for love in: North AMerica
His age: 25 - 60
Looking for: Furry, furry, furry
Looking for(health): Generally Healthy
Instant Messages

AIM: Message
Yahoo: Message